
Philosophy of Science

محمد علی عصایی
اخرین بروزرسانی نوامبر 4, 2020
0 نفر ثبت نام کرده اند

پیش نیازهای دوره

درباره این دوره

For the last four centuries, scientists have aimed to provide us with an understanding of the world around us. By all appearances, science has made substantial progress during this time. But is this progress real or illusory? And if it is real, how has this progress been made?

This four-week course will consider these important questions. Specific topics will include how scientists generate knowledge through observations, experiments, and simulations; scientific objectivity and failures of scientific objectivity; the self-correcting nature of the scientific community; the positive and negative influences that values can have on science; the relationship between science and religion; and the role of the public in guiding the scientific enterprise.

اهداف یادگیری

Students will be able to formulate the basic views that are associated with Logical Positivism and conceptually manipulate the interrelation of observation and theory formation
Students will be able to understand and structure the main issues that philosophy of science engages with.
Students will be able to assess the consequences of the Logical Positivist's views concerning science, philosophy and their interrelation.

موارد ارائه شده

  • Videos
  • Booklets
  • Health Checklist


  • Basic or very little knowledge in Philosophy

مخاطب هدف

  • Students that have an elementary background in Philosophy and they want to expand their knowledge;
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate students in Philosophy
  • Sciences who want to deepen into the conceptual contributions of philosophy and its analytic methods to science

برنامه تحصیلی

21 ساعت 45 دقیقه

Start here

Is it real?

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Philosophy in new way

اساتید دوره

محمد علی عصایی

118 دوره
20 دیدگاه
346 دانشجو
مشاهده بیشتر
زمینه‌های نمایش داده شده را انتخاب نمایید. بقیه مخفی خواهند شد. برای تنظیم مجدد ترتیب، بکشید و رها کنید.
  • تصویر
  • شناسۀ محصول
  • امتیاز
  • قيمت
  • موجودی
  • دسترسی
  • افزودن به سبد خرید
  • توضیح
  • محتوا
  • وزن
  • اندازه
  • اطلاعات اضافی
برای مخفی‌کردن نوار مقایسه، بیرون را کلیک نمایید

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